measure for measure
measure for measure为短语/超纲词汇
近义词, 同义词
1. Bonpland set up one of the electrometers to measure the electric discharge, but there was no reading. 庞普朗安装了一只电表来测量放电量,但电表上没有任何读数。
2. The swallow shares the virtues of both schools in highest measure. 燕子充分兼有这两类鸟的长处,
3. Though it may be possible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money, 虽然物质产品的价值可以用金钱来衡量,
4. This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. 这次他设法爬进了基图罗火山口,以便能拍摄照片和测试温度。
5. These lessons are not the only solutions to the crisis but until there is a cure for AIDS, education represents the only safe measure to guard against the virus. 这些经验不是解决艾滋病危机的惟一方法,但在找到治疗艾滋病的方法之前,教育不失为预防感染艾滋病毒的惟一安全的措施。
6. The future? Bosses could measure brain activity to learn worker quality. 那么未来会是个什么样子呢?老板可以通过测量大脑活动情况来了解工人的素质。
7. The results are easy to measure, because they depend on how many graduates pass the examinations for private schools. 检验结果很容易,因为这取决于有多少毕业生通过了私立学校的入学考试。
8. He has had the length of the wings increased so that they now measure 93 feet-almost as long as those of a Dakota. 他把机翼的长度增加到九十三英尺,几乎与 Dakota 飞机的机翼差不多长。
9. He devised an instrument to measure light waves. 他发明了一台仪器来测量光波。
10. Don´t measure other´s corn with your own bushel. 不要以己度人。